Posbank: the Pos machine manufacturing company leader in innovation
Based on customer-focused engineering and many years of experience, POSBANK focuses more on innovative POS system and custom solutions that meet specific needs of different global customers. As leading provider of POS solutions, POSBANK helps customers succeed in their business by offering best-in-class products and services.
POSBANK Customers Worldwide
Units of Accumulated Sales
Years of Proven Quality and Design
Revenue Growth Rate from 2007 to 2017
Here you can discover some of the most important milestone in our history.
-->Launched Kiosk POS Terminal- BIGPOS®
Launched POS Printer-A8
Launched All-in-One POS Terminal- DCR x86, DCR M4
DCR Won Red Dot Design Award
Launched Cloud-Based Web Service- POPs Cloud
Launched Mobile Ordering App- ANYORDER
APEXA G Acquired Good Design Mark
Launched Modular POS Terminal- BOXPOS, Touchscreen Monitor- POSMO
Operated Manufacturing Facility in China
Launched POS Terminal- ANYSHOP PRO
Launched POS Software
POPs Restaurant & POPs Retail
Launched POS Terminal- ANYSHOP II, POS Printer- A10M
ANYSHOP II Acquired Good Design Mark
ISO 14001 accredited
Launched POS Terminal- ANYSHOP Eco, POS Printer- A7
A10 Acquired Good Design Mark
Launched All-in-One POS Terminal miniO & miniO II
Launched POS Terminal- ANYSHOP, POS Printer- A10
Operated In-House Manufacturing
Launched New Restaurant Solution- Olive
Launched POS Terminal- IMPREX & Slim POS, POS Printer- A9
Certified as INNO-BIZ Company